Wednesday, April 5, 2017

"Power Rangers" Hits the Feels not Just With the Nostalgia, but the Inclusion as well!

First of all, I must salute this film for having three out of five of the lead roles go to minorities, and even better, their individual story lines have nothing to do with their race! The movie followed a typical superhero film outline, but was embodied with nostalgia; leaving people who grew up watching “Mighty Morphin” walk out of the theater tempted to see it again. “Power Rangers” makes fun of itself at times, delivers surprisingly good performances, some subtle adult jokes, likable characters, and a decent story with three-dimensional teenage superheroes. 

The movie has such a diverse cast and breaks away from the subtle racism of the original show; having an Asian character play the yellow ranger, a native American being the red ranger, and an African American actor playing…  You get the idea. This movie did none of that! We never hear the yellow ranger, portrayed by a Hispanic, speaking Spanish, or see the Asian actor playing the black ranger studying, this film breaks away from those stereotypes. Each character has their personal story line, one dealing with her sexual preference, another dealing with his dying mother, and another being bullied while coping with his father’s death. “Power Rangers” portrays an autistic character with so much respect and in such a fun way, the blue ranger soon becomes a fan favorite. 
The film was endowed with so much nostalgia that it makes the movie even more fun! Anyone that grew up watching the first couple of seasons of the “Power Rangers,” including “Zeo,” enjoys recognizing certain things like, talk about the Zeo crystals, the comical Alpha, the ranger’s cheesy lines during fight scenes, and an epic theme song. Even the editing gave it a “Power Rangers” feel to it, where in every battle, the red ranger asks if their ready, the fellow rangers appear on screen individually responding. The movie surpasses expectation by giving Zordon and Rita a backstory, their own objectives, and understandable motives, which results in a well-rounded story. 
“Power Rangers” is fun for kids and adults. I’m not a kid-person, but even I can sacrifice being around children for this movie. The film offers superheroes for its younger audience, and subtle masturbation jokes for it’s older crowd. The five lead actors were surprisingly good; they each had their own time to shine, and delivered when their moment came on screen. For those of you that have already seen it, what did you think? Did you like it? Did it ruin your childhood? Lemme' know!


  1. Excellent review! I saw the movie last week and loved every part of it. The fact that they hit all the major nostalgia points without going overboard was great! I can't wait to see the next one.

  2. Thank you so much for the comment! I loved how they kept the memorable cheesy parts we enjoyed, but left out the parts that made the original series a guilty pleasure to watch. I'm definitely looking forward to the next one!
